Servants of the Lord
and the Virgin of Matará
Our Spirituality
We seek to be anchored in the sacrosanct mystery of the Incarnation – the mystery of the Word made flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We can say that our spirituality is derived from the Person of the Word and His Mother, so that, in the Holy Spirit, we may become united to the Father.
Const. [36]

We believe that our Spirituality should be deeply marked by the mystery of the Incarnation in its many aspects, which is ‘the first and fundamental mystery of Jesus Christ’, and from there fervently set out to restore all things in Christ (Eph 1:10).
We want to live intensely the virtues of transcendence, Faith, Hope, and Charity, in order to be salt and light of the world, without being of the world. We want to live intensely the virtues of humility, justice, sacrifice, poverty, pain, obedience, merciful love … in a word, to take up the cross (Mt 16,24).

We can synthesize our spirituality as follows:
Not Jesus or Mary; not Mary or Jesus.
Neither Jesus without Mary; nor Mary without Jesus.
Neither only Jesus, but also Mary; not only Mary, but also Jesus.
Always Jesus and Mary; always Mary and Jesus.
To Mary through Jesus: Behold, your mother! (Jn 19:27).
To Jesus through Mary: Do whatever he tells you (Jn 2:5).
First Jesus, the God man; then Mary, the Mother of God.
He, the Head; She, the Neck; we, the Body.
Everything through Jesus and through Mary;
with Jesus and with Mary;
in Jesus and in Mary;
for Jesus and for Mary.
In short, simply: Jesus and Mary; Mary and Jesus.
And through Christ, to the Father, in the Holy Spirit.Const. [47]