Servants of the Lord
and the
Virgin of Matará

Province “Mother of God, Empress of China”
Extreme Orient
Religious Family of the Incarnate Word
Our Charism
″In the name of Christ, we desire to be a Religious Family…we want to dedicate ourselves to Evangelization of the Culture to work, “through the power of the Gospel, to transform: mankind’s criteria of judgment, determining values, points of interest, lines of thought, sources of inspiration, models of life.″ (Constitutions 20-26)

"The evangelical counsels are thus above all a gift of the Holy Trinity.
....They are in fact an expression of the love of the Son for the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit. ... By practising the evangelical counsels, the consecrated person lives with particular intensity the Trinitarian and Christological dimension which marks the whole of Christian life."
(Directory of Consecrated Life 48)
Our Vows
We profess four vows…

…. manifesting that God is
the only true wealth for man.

… for the sake of the
kingdom of Heaven

… even to death
on the cross.

… a total surrender to Jesus through Mary.
…in order to follow the Incarnate Word more intimately.
Our Non-Negotiable Elements
Our charism is defined as «the grace to prolong Christ in families, in education, in the media, in men of thought and in every other legitimate manifestation of man’s life. It is the gift of making each man “like a new Incarnation of the Word”, being essentially missionaries and Marians.»
Within our charism, we have defined essential elements of our Religious Family. These elements are as follows:

Our Three White Loves
Intimately united to the mystery of our religion, that He was manifested in the flesh (1 Tm 3:16), and therefore also united to our love, are the “three white things of the Church”:

which perpetuates the Incarnation under the species of bread and wine by the action of the Catholic priesthood
who gave her yes so that from her flesh and blood the Word was made flesh

in whom the Truth, the Will, and the Sanctity of Christ become flesh.
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