Servants of the Lord
and the Virgin of Matará
Our Patrons

Our Lady of Luján
The appointment of Our Lady of Luján as Patron of the Institute is founded on two important theological reasons:
The first is that having the Blessed Virgin Mary as our Patron before God means placing ourselves as a Religious Family completely in her hands and under her intercessory protection. This act has transcendental weight: it extends everything that we do individually under our fourth vow to a new level, that of the institution of the Religious Family.
The second is that there is special relationship of Mary of Luján with our Founder and history. The founder encouraged us to have devotion to the Virgin of Luján, and this devotion can truly be considered an aspect of the Founder’s spirituality that has passed on to the foundation itself. For this reason, it has an immeasurable importance for the preservation and promotion of our charism as well as everything surrounding the patrimony of the Institute.”
We therefore, with great joy, hereby establish that the liturgical feast of the Virgin of Luján be celebrated by all the members of our Religious Family as a solemnity.

St. Joseph
Our Institute was born under his patronageon March 19th, 1988 and from that time we have received inumerable graces. Perhaps someone might ask why we have a special devotion to St. Joseph. St. Bernardine of Siena gives us the answer: “If Holy Church is indebted to the Virgin Mother, for it was by her that the Church was made worthy to receive Christ, certainly the Church is also indebted to St. Joseph, after Mary, regarding gratitude and singular veneration.” The liturgy itself places him immediately after the Virgin Mary. Moreover, St. Joseph is an eminent member of the Church of Christ, a model of virtue, the patron of the Universal Church, the patron of a holy death, the Spouse of Mary, the Father of the Incarnate Word, to whose care the Redeemer himself was subjected. But above all we have a special devotion to him because of his most efficacious intercession, which we have experienced many times.
In the same way that God gave His Son the best parents, who were both chaste, He also willed for His Son to have a chaste spouse, as is each consecrated woman. And each religious, chosen for and with a singular love to be a spouse of the Incarnate Word, must totally dedicate herself to caring for Him by imitating St. Joseph; that is, to please Him by doing His most holy will and by being spiritual mothers of His children.

St. John Paul II
“Ever since our foundation, we have considered Saint Pope John Paul the Great, “Father” of our Religious Family. This unites us to him in a special bond of filiation, which is deep and multi-faceted.
We desire that John Paul the Great be a font of inspiration for our religious life, our apostolate, our study, our work, and our life in community. As we are convinced that he will be a great heavenly protector, we also desire that he be venerated and invoked.
Since he, like every saint, has posthumous missions which are related to his earthly ministry, we trust that from Heaven he will continue to intercede on our behalf as our father, just as he did while on earth.