Servants of the Lord
and the Virgin of Matará
Contemplative Branch
“Withdrawal from the world for the sake of leading a more intense life of prayer in solitude is nothing other than a very particular way of living and expressing the paschal mystery of Christ, which is death ordained toward resurrection.” (Instruction on the Contemplative Life and on the Enclosure of Nuns, 3)
Besides the apostolic sisters, our Institute also has a branch of contemplative sisters. These sisters are totally dedicated to a hidden life of prayer, silence and penance in order to support the missionary work of our Religious Family.
Furthermore, as contemplatives, they consecrate their lives for the whole Church, represented in the person of the Holy Father; for the perseverance of all priests, and for the increase and sanctification of vocations.
Sharing in the missionary charism of our Religious Family, each monastery also has a particular prayer intention toward which they focus their prayers and sacrifices. We currently have 8 monasteries around the world. We invite you to send prayer requests by e-mail.