Religious Family
of the Inacarnate Word
Third Order Secular
The Third Order is made up of lay members who wish to participate in our mission and live our spirituality in the midst of the world. They live with the intention of being a new incarnation of the Word in everyday life. In their homes, in their workplaces, among people and in every aspect of the world in which they live.
The members who officially form a part of the Third Order, participate in the spirit of the Institute and consecrate themselves to the Virgin Mary in “maternal slavery of love.” Tertiary members are asked to pray for the entire Religious Family and especially for new vocations.

The participation of the tertiaries in the different apostolic works of the Religious Family is made concrete in many ways: helping in the Works of Charity; participation and assistance in the Liturgy; supporting our missions in the Middle East – through prayer, sacrifices and active participation in the field, with volunteering and visiting and helping places in need. Deserving of special mention are the Pro Life apostolates, the translation and editing of books, teaching catechism, the help in the popular missions and in the organization of the Spiritual Exercises Our tertiaries collaborate with great joy and enthusiastically promote all the activities that are organized, becoming an immense support for our missionaries and truly key parts of our missionary endeavor in the different countries. Convinced that “the mission belongs to all the people of God” and “not only to some experts”, they evangelize the culture through their own vocation, in the ordinary conditions of their lives they fulfill each and every one of the duties and occupations of the world according to the spirit of the Incarnate Word and acting in this way, they contribute to the sanctification of the world by radiating to others the same faith which they embrace, the same hope that animates them and the same charity with which they know they are loved by God.
There are three degrees of belonging to the Third Secular Order:
First Level
through a sacred bond that intimately unites them with the Religious who Family of the Incarnate Word
Second Level
each one with its own organization, lay people who want to can associate themselves to the apostolate and mission, according to the pastoral needs of the different places where the Institute is based.
Third Level
all those faithful lay Christians or priests from all over the world who, being friends, supporters, benefactors, relatives, etc., want to share in the spirit of our Religious Family